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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Disinfecting Your Home

Disinfecting your home can seem overwhelming. With the tips below, you’ll be able to tackle germs with ease and help keep your household healthy! Read then share with your friends using the sharing tools below. 

1. Kitchen sponges – after two or three days of use, sponges can harbor millions of bacteria. Never use the same sponge to clean dishes and counters. Clean all sponges in the dishwasher or microwave on high for one minute to kill germs.
2. Cutting boards – there can be as many as 200 times more fecal bacteria on the average cutting board than your toilet seat. Run your cutting boards through the dishwasher or use Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner often to keep them clean.
3. Your cell phone – phones have 10 times more bacteria than a toilet. Disinfecting is easy, just prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar, then use the solution to dampen a cloth and wipe your phone. Do not spray the solution directly on your phone. Also, avoid taking your phone into the bathroom.
4. Knobs, switches, and handles – use Disinfectant Wipes or Disinfectant Spray to clean all door knobs, light switches, kitchen cabinet handles, appliance handles, and toilet/sink handles, once a week.

5. Makeup and cosmetic brushes – these little germ breeders spend a lot of time around our eyes, lips, and skin. Clean them regularly using soap and hot water – they even work better when cleaned often!
6. Wet laundry – a regular Petri dish for germs. Put clean clothes in the dryer (or hang outdoors to dry – saves electricity too!) as soon as possible.
7. The coffee maker – most home coffee makers don't get hot enough to kill anything growing in the wet, dark environment of the water reservoir or the machine's internal piping. Run a 50/50 mix of water and white vinegar through the machine once a month and don’t forget to deep-clean the carafe.
8. Carpet – your fashionable rug may contain as many as 200,000 bacteria per square inch. Vacuum regularly, but realize that a vacuum doesn't always reach the bottom of the carpet. Hire a professional once a year for a deep steam-cleaning.
9. Your toothbrush – store your toothbrush so it dries between uses and replace it every 4 months. 


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